
I am an accredited PACFA supervisor.

I have completed regular training in clinical supervision over the past ten years with the Bouverie Centre, Michelle Bihary, and Blue Knot, among others. I attend regular "supervision of supervision". 

I provide professional supervision to those working in management roles, medical and health including first responders.  

I provide clinical supervision for a range of individual practitioners from a range of traditions. This may include providing a second listening attuned to the transference, impasses, obstacles and resistance within the work, and the direction of the work.   

When the supervisee works within an institution affected by austerity measures, I may draw upon systems theory, open dialogue approaches, mentalisation based theory to ensure sustainability and ways to continue therapeutic work in these contexts.  

I work with reflective practices for those in the broader health and allied health sectors, with an emphasis on making space and time for the practitioner. 

I also provide regular supervision groups both privately and by contract to the broad community sector. These groups include theoretical (reading) and clinical discussion always beginning with the supervisees. 

I am a member of Australian Clinical Supervisor Association (ACSA)
and hold a Best Practice in Supervision accreditation with the AASW

Feel free to be in touch if you'd like to chat about any of these services:

  • Social work supervision in Melbourne

  • Counselling supervision in Naarm

  • PACFA approved supervision

  • ACA approved supervision

  • AASW approved supervision

  • Supervision for GPs in Australia

  • Supervision for psychotherapists Online

  • Supervision for mental health counsellors in Melbourne

  • Supervision for mental health social workers in Australia

  • Supervision for Lived-Experience workers online


Individual Supervision: $198 per session (including GST)

Group Supervision:  $85 per person (including GST)

Contact me below for more information or to make an appointment




Counselling & Psychotherapy